Some Publications about Science, Technology and Inequality
Peter Senker, Restricting environmental damage resulting from economic activities: a Polanyian analysis, Prometheus, September 2021.
Peter Senker, Innovation, Inequality and the Environment: Is Sustainable Development Compatible with Capitalism?
Peter Senker and Erika Cudworth, Dysfunctional Innovation,, 2016
Peter Senker, The Triumph of Neoliberalism and the World Dominance of Capitalism, Prometheus,33:2, 2015. pages 97-111.
Peter Senker, From Jethro Tull to Monsanto,, 2014
Peter Senker, Technology and Inequality in the Age of Neo-Liberalism, paper presented at a seminar at Aalto Business School, Helsinki, 2013
Editor (with Cudworth,E. and Walker, K.) Technology, Society and Inequality: New Horizons and Contested Futures, New York, Peter Lang, 2013. Contributed two chapters: “Agriculture, Food and Inequality” and “Healthcare Systems:Technology and Inequality.”
Editor (with Burnett, J. and Walker, K.) The myths of technology: innovation and inequality, New York, Peter Lang, 2009. Contributed a chapter with Joanna Chataway,“Myths of agricultural biotechnology”
Foresight: The Future of Food and Farming: review published in Prometheus, 29:3,2011,pages 309-313.
Guest Editorial, “The global STI system – science,technology and inequality”, Science and Public Policy, volume 30 number 1, February 2003 pages 2-3.
with Arocena, R., “Technology, Inequality, and Underdevelopment: The case of Latin America”, Science, Technology and Human Values, Volume 28 Number 1, Winter 2003, pages 15-33.
Editor with Wyatt., S., Henwood, F, and Miller, N., Technology and In/equality: Questioning the Information Society, Routledge, 2000. Contributed a chapter “A dynamic perspective on technology, economic inequality and development”.
“Technological Change and the Future of Work” in Heap, N. et al (editors) Information Technology and Society, Sage Publications, London, 1995: 135-148 (reprinted from Futures)
Some Publications about Vocational Education and Training
with Munro, A., “The direct and indirect impact of policy interventions”, in Evans, K., Hodkinson. P., and Unwin, L., Improving Workplace Learning, Routledge, pages 134 to 159, 2006.
with Rainbird, H. and Munro, A. “Running faster to stay in the same place? The intended and unintended consequences of government policy on workplace learning in the UK” in Bascia, N. et al Eds., International Handbook of Educational Policy, Hingham, MA., Kluwer International Publishers, 2004.
with Working to Learn Group: Keep, E., Rainbird, H., Evans, K., Unwin, L., and Hodkinson, P.,) Six challenges for the future, in (Editors Evans, K., Hodkinson, P., and Unwin, L.) Working to learn: transforming learning in the workplace, Kogan Page, 2002, pages 233-240.
“What do engineers learn in the workplace”, in (Editor Rainbird, H.) Training in the Workplace: Critical Perspectives on Learning at Work, Macmillan, 2000, pages 227-243.
Education and Training for Innovation: individual and organizational learning, The IPTS Report, November, 1999 pages 20-25.
Industrial Training in a Cold Climate: An assessment of Britain’s training policies, Avebury, 1992.
The British Government’s encouragement of poor countries to adopt inefficient qualifications systems akin to NVQs in Britain is disgraceful. See:
National Vocational Qualifications in England and Wales, Video Seminar, 15 May 2003. International Labour Office Training Centre.
The relationship of the NVQ system to learning in the workplace, Paper presented at Céreq Seminar. ‘The Certification of Vocational Qualifications in France and the United Kingdom’. Marseille, 8,9,10 March 2000.
Ten years of Thatcherism: triumph of ideology over economics, The Political Quarterly, Vol 60, No2, June 1989, pages 179-189.
Publications about Climate Change
Peter Senker, Restricting environmental damage resulting from economic activities: a Polanyian analysis, Prometheus (September 2021)
“The economics of climate change” in Energy & Environment Vol. 16, No. 6, 2005, pages 1098-1101.
Paper about social care and excessive bureaucracy
Smothered in paper: the fate of small voluntary care organisations. Paper prepared for Conference on “Communities and Care: Research, Policy and Practice”, Brighton 23 April 2005.
Other Book Reviews
Review of Tim Jackson, Prosperity without Growth: Economics for a Finite Planet, Energy & Environment • Vol. 22, No. 7, 2011, pages 1013-1016.
Review of Earth Grab, Geopiracy, The New Biomassters and Capturing Climate Genes, Energy & Environment Vol 23 No4, 2012, pages 755 and 756.
Senker,P. and Brady,T.1989, Corporate strategy: skills, education and training, in Dodgson,M.,1989. Technology Strategy and the Firm: management and public policy, Longman,pages 155-158
Review of Joanna Blythman, Swallow This: Serving up the food industry’s darkest secrets, Capitalism Nature Socialism, Volume 27 No2,June 2016, pages 138-140.