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Posted in : - Blog -, Global Warming, Global Warming on by : petersen Comments: 0

Peter Senker, Science Policy Research Unit, University of Sussex, March,2021 ABSTRACT Modern cars are large complex machines, each designed to travel tens of thousands of miles over several years. These notes represent an attempt to evaluate the impact of cars on global warming. For such an evaluation to be realistic, it must take into account..

Posted in : - Blog -, Britain's Economic Policy, Economic evolution on by : petersen Comments: 0

The TV programme broadcast on Channel 4 at 10pm  on Tuesday 9th January 2018 entitled Working Class White Men offered some deep  insights on significant aspects of populism and alienation in England now. This programme  was presented by “Professor” Green who  is not a real professor but a rapper: nor, so far as I know,..

Posted in : - Blog -, Britain's Economic Policy, UK Social Care Policy on by : petersen Comments: 0

‘Quality Matters’ in adult social care Posted by:Professor Gillian Leng, Posted on:27 November 2017 In the summer of this year, a bold statement of intent was published setting out a single view of high quality adult social care. The creation of commissioners, providers, staff, national bodies and people who use services, their families and carers, it..

Posted in : - Blog -, Agriculture and Food Policy, Britain's Economic Policy on by : petersen Comments: 0

The devastation has only just begun The value of sterling has fallen. This has increased prices of foods imported from the EU. Effects on the welfare of poor people who spend nearly a quarter of their incomes on food have been severe. As a consequence, malnutrition which was already widespread is increasing further. Needs for services..

Posted in : - Blog -, Britain's Economic Policy, UK Training Policy on by : petersen Comments: 0

From about 1960 to 1979, most economists believed that the UK economy was in a dreadful state, and that something ought to be done about it. Between 1945 and 1948, the Labour Government  implemented some policies which were helpful to the whole of society, such as initiating a National Health Service and a social security..

Posted in : - Blog -, Neoliberalism on by : petersen Comments: 0

The essence of neoliberalism is that it provides powerful intellectual support for capitalism and for corporations whatever they do.The neoliberal worldview is embedded in contemporary culture. It continues to increase the huge damage that capitalism inflicts on the world.

Posted in : - Blog -, Neoliberalism on by : petersen Comments: 0

1. Neoliberalism embraces beliefs that the only legitimate purpose of the state is to safeguard individual liberty , especially commercial liberty, as well as strong private property rights; and that the state should be drastically reduced in strength and size. These beliefs apply internationally: there should be free markets and free trade. 2. The political..

Posted in : - Blog -, UK Social Care Policy on by : petersen Comments: 0

The “choice”  agenda is here to stay  for the foreseeable future. It  is firmly  established  amongst most sections of opinion – in the Conservative Government,  and in the main political parties, with the exception of some on the left of the Labour party.  In 2005, Tony Blair claimed that consumer choice is both good in..

Posted in : - Blog -, Healthcare on by : petersen Comments: 1

“ISTCs (Independent Sector Treatment Centres) matter not because they are a breach of the non-commercial principle but because they are one modest brick in the wall of commercialism which is currently transforming the National Health Service .” (Ruane, S., 2008, page 4) British Labour Governments after 1997 were committed to “the reintroduction of the profit..

Posted in : - Blog -, Academics and Policy, Vocational Training Policy on by : petersen Comments: 0

 Abstract  This paper outlines how a group of researchers came together to prepare policy  proposals designed to improve 16 to 19 work-based education and training. Many researchers have studied individual aspects of the vocational education and training system. But there is no established mechanism for drawing out  policy implications and bringing them to the attention..